

Jesse Hungerpille

Jesse Hungerpiller

My name is Jesse Hungerpiller and I am studying abroad in London for six weeks. I am going into my junior year at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, United States. I am taking a class on how British identity was shaped from the World Wars as well as volunteering for ASKI. I am majoring in Sports Medicine with a minor in Neuroscience. I plan to go to optometry school after I graduate from Samford. I played football for seven years until I had to stop recently due to my academic and career pursuits. I love listening to all kinds of music, meeting new people, visiting new places, staying active and cooking. 

I have already explored much of London but cannot wait to learn and discover more about this great city. I am also excited to work for ASKI as I believe their mission and influence on the community is so important. I believe that this experience will give me the opportunity to have many new perspectives on the way that charities like this work and how they differ from ones in America. Even though I am not here long, I will provide my upmost quality of work and dedication.

Marissa Gonzalez-Ibarra

Marissa Gonzalez-Ibarra

Marissa Gonzalez-Ibarra, an intern at ASKI, is currently in her final year at the University of Oregon, pursuing a dual major in Psychology and Sociology. At ASKI, she actively conducted case studies, collected surveys, analysed data, and conducted literature reviews to shed light on underserved communities' challenges. She aimed to raise awareness about ASKI's important role in mitigating these disparities. 

Before joining ASKI, Marissa served as a biopsychosocial research intern, focusing on studying stress disparities within her university. Driven by her personal experience of growing up in an underserved community she worked with houseless children at a shelter. With her aspiration to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner, Marissa dedicated her college years to establishing connections, expanding her knowledge, and advocating for disadvantaged individuals. 

Marissa's involvement with ASKI allowed her to apply her academic insights with the hopes of creating a transformative impact in various communities across London. After gaining a global perspective on the deprivation experienced by these communities, she aims to spark change and initiate essential conversations about overcoming barriers and improving accessibility in often overlooked areas. 


My name is CYSIQUE Alec, I am 20 years old and I am a student in French. I live in Paris with my mother and my brother. I have two big brothers, so I am the youngest at home. I am a smiling boy, I love life, I like to go to the night club, see my friends, travel, etc.

My hobbies are football, my favorite team is Real Madrid. I love music especially American rap: I love Travis Scott. I was watching cinema on film, the last movie I watched was Fat and Furious 8.

I come to London for my studies. I prepare a HND in Assistant Manager, so I had to do internship on an international context. I had a choice between a Spanish country and a French country, I chose London because of bad in Spanish. This is my first time in London, so I am thrilled to discover this famous city and learn a lot. In the future, I hope to open my business. I have no idea what kind of business I want to open because I'm still young, but that's the real purpose I'm giving myself.

Jamila Boukari

Jamila Boukar Intern  May 2018

"I’m Jamila Boukari, I’m 19 and I’m doing my internship in London to improve my English. I’m half Tunisian and half French so enriching myself with another culture would be an asset in my personal life and my professional life.

I think that every difference makes us who we are, and we should embrace it by giving to other what they don’t have the chance to get.

I choose ASKI because I think that social isolation is a real problem in our society, not only in the UK, but everywhere around the world and it’s Important for us to help our significant other. Moreover, in the future I would like to work in the human resources department, so I need to have human contact for that I think this charity is the best place to do that. 

During my internship, I hope to learn more about how the way charities works and at the same time learn more about the English culture."


Alex Schaefer


"My name is Alex Schaefer. I'm 22 years old and currently finishing up my 6-week study abroad trip in London. I'm a Senior at the University of Missouri in the United States and I'm studying Business Management and Finance. After graduation, I plan to pursue a career in Investment Banking or Real Estate. I enjoy working out, playing and watching sports, trying new things, and traveling. 

Working at ASKI has been a great pleasure for me. It has given me the chance to branch out and meet new people while also experiencing the cultural differences of the United Kingdom. Working at ASKI has also allowed me to explore Europe which has been a dream of mine since I was young.

It has been an honor to help Joseph benefit the community of London. I am beyond thankful for this opportunity to expand my knowledge of non-profit organizations and different cultures!